Our gardens in motion
Our garden in motion at Altaura Farm (follow up) - Casale di Scodosia, August 2012 ››››
(Written from Lebanon and published in www.ortidipace.org on August 10th, 2012)
Towards the end of May I gather peas from my garden. These peas, to me, are the best peas in the world! During that same time, when the peas of my garden are ready, the fields are also sown with barley which will then be made into soup for my piglets. Honestly, to taste, touch, and see these harvests transports me to the Sensory Garden of Lebanon. Evidently my threshold for sensitivity is still very low! In my garden, selected plants are left to go to seed which ensures the spontaneous continuation of my garden’s growth…
Our garden in motion at Altaura Farm - Casale di Scodosia, April 2012 ››››
The garden "on the move" was born in the spring of 2012 at Casale di Scodosia.
I state here that I am very ignorant on the subject horticultural. Therefore, almost everything I will tell you is derived from personal observations and not from cultural, historical, or scientific experience…