Themed days
Contact us regarding Multi-Day Activities for Adults or Children.
At this time of the year, when the trees are without leaves, we can appreciate their “architectural lines” and design. We can also admire the elaborate filigree made by the ice. “Heavy snows bring bountiful harvests”. Find out the real meaning of the Christmas presents bought by the Befana (a kindly old hag who delivers presents to children on the night before Epiphany). We stack boughs for a bonfire and then set it alight. Saint Anthony Abate’s legacy and the blessing of livestock.
Origins of the farmer’s carnival. Pruning finishes and sowing starts. Learn how to build a birds’ nests. The hazelnut tree is the first to bloom thus helping the bees to survive these final stages of winter.
Search for the first buds of flowers and herbs. Bees begin their work. Eggs – the symbol of Spring and Easter. Discover brooding fowl and the eggs of chicken, geese, ducks, and turkey. Roam freely amongst the vines, behind the bushes, and amongst the fruit trees, or play hide and seek behind the hay and straw bales. Put an egg close to your ear and listen – you might be able to hear a tiny beak trying to break its way through into the world. Learn the difference between the different fowls’ eggs and whether they can be left to hatch or are only good for cooking. Have fun colouring eggs with vegetable dyes. Walk through the countryside and discover wild ducks’, coots’, black birds’, and jackdaws’ nests. We also search for and collect the first herbs of the season - learn their uses. Saint Joseph’s Day – Father’s Day.
Watch the bees build their new combs noting the different cells and their uses. It is now the season to plant the new vegetable patch. The search for eggs as the herbal harvest continues. Flowers burst forth!
The Festival of Roses. Try a picnic at supper time and observe the mysterious glow of the fire fly. It is also cherry and pea picking season – come and pick your own. Watch our sheep being sheared.
The kiwi blooms. The hay is cut. We prepare walnut liqueur using walnuts gathered on Saint John’s day.
You can participate in the wheat harvest (certain days only) and see an old-fashioned tractor at work. Explore the stream, and learn how to ‘frog fish’ with a “bow”. We catch and release! (learn about the importance of frogs in the ecosystem).
Walk through the countryside or along the river banks and discover traditional buildings (rural architecture). See the harvest and the preparation of hemp.
Corn and grape festivals. In the old days, the grape harvest was a symbol of happiness and friendship. Press grapes with us in the traditional way and let's build a grate to dry the grapes for Christmas afterwards. (Bring your own boots for this activity.) With the grape juice we will make puddings, donuts, and bread using whole grapes. We also collect corn cobs, prepare the corn for animal feed, and turn it into flour to make polenta.
The end of the grape and corn harvests and the kiwi harvest begins. After carrying out all the different stages of preparation of the land, we evaluate whether it is the right time to plant wheat. Learn the different methods of planting. Examine the different types of land. Play with “vital” mud. Delight in the colors and smells of the forest – dry leaves which rustle and crackle under our feet, the smell of damp earth and moss, the busy bugs, hazelnuts and chestnuts to eat – a rich season. Learn how to make hazelnut cream, butter, cheese and ricotta. Try our roasted chestnuts.
Last Sunday of October: Kiwi Picking Festival.
Pick your own kiwis and take your annual provision.
October 31st - November 11th: Twelve days full of old traditions.
During this season cereals are sown and from now until the end of Spring the farmer must wait patiently for the harvest entrusting its outcome to the saints, the “gods”, and the spirits of the underworld (who inhabit the earth along with the seeds.) There are lots of ways to distract bad spirits – dressing up in black, which is the color of the dark winter to come, orange – the color of the leaves and pumpkins that we use to make masks, and violet which is the traditional color of the underworld.
November 1st: All Saints Day – Revisit the ancient traditions of this day.
San Martino’s story. Long ago, the 11th of November was the end of the working season for the farmer and the beginning of winter. It also coincided with the transfer of cattle (transhumance). Re-live this significant day to understand the daily life of past centuries. All children on the farm will receive the traditional San Martino’s biscuit. Traditional games are played, and one can play with the “fundamental” mud.
The traditions celebrated on December 25th: a legacy of winter solstice and Christmas. Christmas carols, geese and the “metamorphosis of pigs”. Gastronomy and popular games which once entertained adults and children. Join in the farm tombola. Saint Nicholas and Saint Lucia traditions. Prepare a Christmas gift for your loved ones: a bees wax candle with a bread candlestick holder and decorations made of objects found on the farm such as twigs, straw, dry fruits, wool, colored penne … Merry Christmas to all!
All Year Round
All year round activities include:
-Vegetable dyes: how to make them and their uses.
-Learning to prepare jams and syrups with the fruits of the season.
-Biodiversity: the importance of harvesting, preserving and re-planting seeds.
-Natural detergents from plants: medicinal herbs.
-The sustainable tourist: simple games to understand and respect nature.
-Natural medicines.