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"Il Filo d'Erba" Altaura e Monte Ceva - Padova - Veneto - Italia
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Biodiversity, Conviviality, and Herbs in the Mediterranean Genius Loci

The first objective of this chapter is to discuss the link between the need for conservation and improvement of biodiversity to protect and promote in modern era two of the key components of the Mediterranean pyramid: biodiversity and conviviality.
Biodiversity is a characteristic of a place, intimately related to the Genius Loci, the spirit of the place, as it was defined by the ancient Romans. The bonds between people and the place they live in contribute to the heritage and social capital of the communities involved. This heritage influence human and dietary behavior, and extends beyond regional boundaries as people and ideas migrate to different regions of the world. In the traditional Mediterranean concept of lifestyle, conviviality, i.e., eating a meal together, goes far beyond the needs of satisfying nutrition requirements.
Sharing meals represent a moment for socialization, which is central to celebrating the culture, environment, and biodiversity of many civilizations including those that have populated for centuries the Mediterranean basin. The second objective of this chapter is to present examples of herbs that contribute to the biodiversity and are at base of the traditional Mediterranean diet pyramid with information about their origin and use in meals, and water and herbal infusions.   Download file >>>

Introduction >>>       Chapter 17 - Biodiversity, Conviviality, and Herbs in the Mediterranean Genius Loci >>>


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